Michelle Allison LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

Individual and Family Psychotherapy for

Adults, Adolescents and Couples

About Michelle

Professional Credentials

You are welcome to review my formal resume. This is what I submit to insurance companies in order to be credentialled,  and what I would offer if I were seeking a position as a consultant:  Click on: webresume.pdf

You can view my current  State Marital and Family Therapy License (CT #000436):   Click on: Allison LMFT License

You can view my peofessional liability insurance certificate:   Click on: Insurance Certificate

Brief Biography

     After a successful experience with my own psychotherapy, I entered a graduate program in clinical psychology in 1984. I subsequently transferred after one year to the Marriage and Therapy Progam at Uconn,  I graduated in 1988.  I passed the licensing exam in 1992.  The first part of my professional career was spent in the state's non-profit child and family clinic system.  This is where I learned how be a therapist, but also where I ultimately became a clinical superisor of staff.

     I was also a clinical coordinator responsible for a variety of intensive outpatient programs (partial hospital, extended day treatment) as well as running a conventional outpatient Child Guidance Clinic.  I also did grant writing, program development, and public education around children's mental health issues.  Later as a part time consultant, I helped pilot the State's first home grown in home psychiatric program for children and adolescents (IICAPS) and served as a clinical supervisor for that program.  

     Finally, in April, 2010 I opened the private practice you see before you.          



     Having labored in the world of agency bureaucracy, I find it refreshing to be exclusively and directly involved with clients again.  It is also an exciting time to be practicing in the field of psychotherapy.  

     There are provocative recent developments in understanding the relation between the neurobiology of the brain and our subjective mental experience. Ironically, this science has had the effect of liberating the field from the heavy hand of the medical model, with its over reliance on medication at the expense of holistic treatment and interpersonal engagement with a therapist.  

     Also,I am guided and influenced by the concept of attachment which emphasizes the fundamental emotional connection among families and couples across the lifespan.  

     The mindfulness based perspective is another powerful resource can which offers  us a way to live, and frees up inner resources to manage the challenges around and within us.

     Prior to my mental health career I was a banjo and electric guitar builder and repairman, and I also operated a small retail music store.  I have also built furniture over the years, and I worked as a wood artist for about nine years, selling at craft shows and art fairs.  I remain seriously involved in artistic expression, although this psychotherapy practice functions as my "real" or "day" job.  I built, and currently live in, a high performance, energy  efficient house; I also maintain an interest in local land use and sustainable development.  I have two grown children.

     In late 2015, (at age 73) I discovered and accepted that I am a transgender person. On June 14, 2016 "Michelle" Allison was legally born at the local Probate Court.  Going forward, I am fully living, as well as practicing professionally, as a transgender woman. I am extremely grateful to all who have affirmed and supported me: family, friends, clients and strangers.  

     It is an honor to have the opportunity to practice psychotherapy.  I do not take this responsibility lightly, and I hope I will for the most part be worthy of the trust given to me.


Presentation given at my 55th

Class Reunion, Amherst College,

June 01, 2019.  It's for a general

audience, and will give you a sense

of some of my  clinical ideas, my

speaking style and aspects of my

personal story.

Download the accompanying slides